How do I place an order? FAQ Arrow

1. Sign up on Naizop.com

2. Login with your registered username and password

3. Add funds to your Naizop wallet

4. Click new order

5. Select the service you would like to purchase

6. Enter the URL [Profile Must Be Public]

7. Press Submit and enjoy your order!

What is drip-feed? FAQ Arrow

Drip-Feed is a feature that allows you to place the same order multiple times on automation.

Example: Let's say you want 1000 likes on your post but not all at once. You want to get 200 likes every 30 minutes.

For this, you will put: Link: Link to your Post Quantity: 200 Interval: 30 (Because you want 200 likes on your post every 30 minutes. If you want them every 2 hours, you will put 120, because the time is in minutes) Runs: 5 (Because you want to run this cycle 5 times).

You can do this with any service that has the drip-feed button available.

I did not receive my order. What do I do now? FAQ Arrow

Please ensure the following criteria are met before placing an order to secure a successful delivery.

• Your Instagram account is set to public.
• You have typed in the correct Instagram username.
• You have not changed your Instagram username before the order’s completion.
• The account or post, still exists and has not been deleted.
• The video follows Instagram’s guidelines and has not been restricted or removed.
• Allow 24 hours for completion of order delivery.

If you have experienced an issue with the delivery of your order, please contact our support team for assistance.

How do I use mass order? FAQ Arrow

This feature allows you to place multiple orders at once. Thus, saving you time.

Here’s how you can use this feature:
1. Go to “mass order” page.
2. In the order box, put the service id, target link, and the quantity for each order in the following format:
Service id | Link | Quantity

(For example: If you want to place orders for service 1569 and 8627, it will be: 1569 | https://www.instagram.com/username/ | 9000
8627 | https://www.tiktok.com/@therock/video/6829267836783971589?lang=en | 7500)

3. Hit the “Submit” button. All orders will start at once.

Order statuses: On which stage is my order now? FAQ Arrow

Completed: Your order is fully completed!
Pending: Your order is currently being redirected to the server. This will occur during the start time specified in the service description.
In progress: Your order is currently in progress and delivering.
Processing: Your order is currently being processed by the server.
Canceled: Your order has been stopped, and the money for it has been refunded to your balance.
Partial: Your order was stopped, and the money was refunded to your balance for the incomplete part of the order.
Refilling: Your order is refilling on the server.

I accidentally entered wrong link/username. Can the order be canceled? FAQ Arrow

Unfortunately, if the username/link is valid and the order has been submitted, it cannot be stopped. However, if the link is invalid (for example a youtube link in a TikTok service) then we can cancel and refund the order.

How to get YouTube comment link? FAQ Arrow

1. Find the timestamp that is located next to your username above your comment (for example: "3 days ago").

2. Hover over it then right click and "Copy Link Address". (The link will be something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12345&lc=a1b23etc instead of just https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12345 )

3. To be sure that you got the correct link, paste it in your browser's address bar and you will see that the comment is now the first one below the video and it says "Highlighted comment".

How do I contact support? FAQ Arrow

You can contact our 24/7 available support team from the "support" page. Or simply by clicking the chat icon displayed on the bottom right side of your screen.

The link must be added before the user goes live or after? FAQ Arrow

After the user goes live, or just 5 second before the live stream.

How to add funds to my Naizop wallet? FAQ Arrow

You can add funds by any of the methods which you can find in the "Add Funds" page. We accept all major payment methods: Visa/MasterCard/American Express, Cryptocurrency, Skrill, Perfect Money, Payeer, Bank Transfer, WebMoney, and etc...

If you need a custom payment method, please contact our customer support team.

Can my account get banned or restricted after using Naizop services? FAQ Arrow

No bans or restrictions - is one of the most important rules of our service. We care about our customers, and therefore carefully check each service for quality and safety. If you choose our Real services, then you can be 100% sure of their safety.

What are Instagram impressions? FAQ Arrow

On Instagram, impressions are the number of times a post, story, or ad is displayed to users. Impressions measure potential views, not how many people have seen the content. For example, if a post is shown to one user 13 times, it will have 13 impressions. It is mostly used by brands, they will ask you to show them the number of impressions your posts have.

What are Instagram saves and what do they do? FAQ Arrow

Instagram saves show how many users have savesd your post to view again later (by pressing the save button near the like button). The more saves your content gets, the more Instagram will display your posts to people. This can lead to more visibility for your brand and help you reach new users.

Why was my order canceled? FAQ Arrow

The following factors can result in order cancellation:

• An invalid link was entered. (For example: A YouTube video link in an Instagram video views service)
• There's already an order underway for the same service with the exact same link.
• The content is for limited audience or there's privacy enabled on your account.
• The username of the target account has been changed.
• The content has been removed by the user.

You can check the order for the above mentioned issues and order again. If you still face cancellation, please contact our support team and they will quickly resolve the issue. Thanks.